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Friday, February 25, 2005

jus CaMe baCk FRm SGh After takIng my Iv TEst... SUre Fail Liao Le coz no Mood to take. I am Sick ytd & today. Having diarrhea runs since Wed... So went to see DR then My Dr gave me 2 Days mC... Sob Sob Tom still must go work ... but later gg out with miss tan & my dear honey Kanya.... Hee long time neber see her liao anyway she working at thOmson Medical Centre... see babies everyday... Babies are Cute sia... I really Wan to HAve babies liao but must find bf first hee...
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Just Woke up. Today is my off day so dun need to go work but tom still hve to go la.SomemoRe Is AfterNoon Shift. Nvm can earn Extra Money. Haha. Here is My summary of days.

SundaY went WatcHing moVie with Serene At Ps. Went to Watch COnstantine again. Hee but Nvm Coz Keanu Reeves is Real HandSome. & I truly IN luRve With Him. Will U Be Mine ForeVer?? hEE.. BEfoRe tHAt went ShoppIng ard Ps. Bought Nth coz brokE now Waiting For Pay on Fri. Hee... after That Went HOme coz have to Work MorNing Shift On Mon.

Mon Mon. Early MornIng have to wOrk. So sian liao le. Luckily My patients Able to walk can go bath themselves except oNe auNtie. Then Helped Alice with Her patients coz all of them are bedridden except One can Bath. Still Have Reeja & the NYP student to help with the sponging. Went to eat with Lizhen AT canteen. Before gg off, one of the auntie died. We were taking Her Bp just now hers was very very low. Then after that she's gone. Hai....... After Work went to Ps AGAIN To watch HIde & seek WIth LiZhen & huIRU. The Show was too Boring But the Scary Screens were nice but too shoRt liao le. Shld Have watch Constantie The 3rd Time. Hai...Went Home coz i was sleeping In d Cinema when the Boring Screens appeared. Hee....

TOday must study mY IV Test which IS on Fri then watch mY BLACK HAWK DOWN that i recorded on SUn. My JOsh & oRLando Were in THe mOVie. So HAndsome. Haha... i becomin more more Hua CHi liao le.
Sunday, February 20, 2005

This articule i Totally Lurve It!!

"Dun Hesitate to Say I luRve You!!"

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most?
Saying something and wishing you hadn't?
Saying nothing and wishing you had?

I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say.
Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them.

If you do, they might break your heart...if you don't, you might break theirs.
Have u ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person?

Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't.
You can't tell your heart what to do.
It does it on its own....
when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to.

Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had,
but that other perso n was too afraid to let you?

Too many of us stay walled up
because we are too afraid to care too much..
.for fear that the other person does n ot care as much,
or even at all.

Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?
We tell l ies when we are afraid...
afraid of what we don't know,
afraid of what others will think,
afraid of what will be found out about us.

But every time we tell a lie,
the thing we fear grows stronger.

Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump.
Don't be a person who has to look back
and wonder what they would have done, or could have had.

*What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye?
*What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?
*What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? (even if it is that you don't care anymore)
*What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them?
*What would you do if you never got the chance to say I am friends with all of my family and they know I love them?
People live, but people die.

And I want to tell you that you are a friend.
If you died tomorrow (God Forbid), you wou ld be in my heart.
Would I be in yours?
If you care about me as much as I care about you, you will send this back.
We might be best friends one year,pretty good friends the next year,
don't talk that often the next, and don't want to talk at all the year after that.
So, I just wanted to say,
even if I never talk to you again in my life,
you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life,
I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you.
Friday, February 18, 2005

So tired after workin back to the ward. Got shift work this week while my other frens are working office hours lo. So envy of them but i gotta to earn more money lah. Haha just enough to feed myself lo. Hee changing HandphoNe is on My mind lo. Haha. Hmm today do junior work lo. Bathing & showering patients, Filling up intake Output chart. Feed patients, give them Bedpan to pass urine lo. Then somemore have 2 take blood. I nearly forgot i have to count stat Dose & MC items. Whoa so forgetful lo. Dun know wat is on my mind lo. Hai. Been reaLLy down hese few Days, dun really know wat i am doing also. Tom aftErnoOn shift, Have to ask My papa to come feTch me coz i tink i till work off i will be dead to walk to bus stop to take bus liao le. Somemore tom have to take case to be in charge somemore. Really Scary. Then tom Still have to learn takine blood from Central line. That mean directly frm the heart bah. I tink lah. I really dun Know wat I doing at work this few Days. Hmm.. Luckily Sun is off day for me. Can rest At home & tink tink think!!!

So tired after workin back to the ward. Got shift work this week while my other frens are working office hours lo. So envy of them but i gotta to earn more money lah. Haha just enough to feed myself lo. Hee changing HandphoNe is on My mind lo. Haha. Hmm today do junior work lo. Bathing & showering patients, Filling up intake Output chart. Feed patients, give them Bedpan to pass urine lo. Then somemore have 2 take blood. I nearly forgot i have to count stat Dose & MC items. Whoa so forgetful lo. Dun know wat is on my mind lo. Hai. Been reaLLy down hese few Days, dun really know wat i am doing also. Tom aftErnoOn shift, Have to ask My papa to come feTch me coz i tink i till work off i will be dead to walk to bus stop to take bus liao le. Somemore tom have to take case to be in charge somemore. Really Scary. Then tom Still have to learn takine blood from Central line. That mean directly frm the heart bah. I tink lah. I really dun Know wat I doing at work this few Days. Hmm.. Luckily Sun is off day for me. Can rest At home & tink tink think!!!

So tired after workin back to the ward. Got shift work this week while my other frens are working office hours lo. So envy of them but i gotta to earn more money lah. Haha just enough to feed myself lo. Hee changing HandphoNe is on My mind lo. Haha. Hmm today do junior work lo. Bathing & showering patients, Filling up intake Output chart. Feed patients, give them Bedpan to pass urine lo. Then somemore have 2 take blood. I nearly forgot i have to count stat Dose & MC items. Whoa so forgetful lo. Dun know wat is on my mind lo. Hai. Been reaLLy down hese few Days, dun really know wat i am doing also. Tom aftErnoOn shift, Have to ask My papa to come feTch me coz i tink i till work off i will be dead to walk to bus stop to take bus liao le. Somemore tom have to take case to be in charge somemore. Really Scary. Then tom Still have to learn takine blood from Central line. That mean directly frm the heart bah. I tink lah. I really dun Know wat I doing at work this few Days. Hmm.. Luckily Sun is off day for me. Can rest At home & tink tink think!!!
Sunday, February 13, 2005

Ytd went Kbox Cine with my Dear ling, hua & mei yee & two other lIng frens. I think their names is Alex & edmund. i forgot liao le ah. Exactly shld meet hua at 830 pm at somerset. This gal went to watch movie with her kl lo. Left me waiting like ah siao lo. Luckily ling coming soon & i met mei yee at cine lo. Otherwise i stone there liao le. Next time i must go out of the house later than them liao. Haha. Joking la. Anyway had a great time ytD coz i have no off on Sat liao le. My next off day is at sun wat a toopid roster. Then work on mon then tues rest day again. Whoa Sgh routine becoming more & more crazy liao le. Really Stress liao le. Then after singing my papa came to fetch us , me & hua home. Ling had a ride from her fren. Reach home abt 1am. Hmm today is v day liao le, luckily tom have to work otherwise i will not be out of the house. So envy when u see couples on the street ah. But whAt to do ?? I dun have a bf yet so work lo. Let ppl Enjoy their butts out while i work till i cry father & mother. Opps i swear here. Haha what d hell?? Enough of crap here liao le. Gg to sleep liao le tom have to work morning shift again!!!
Thursday, February 10, 2005

hAPPY nEW yEAR TO aLL mY FrENS OUT THERE..... Hee collEct alot of hong Baos Anot?? Hee.. Ok Ok i had fUn this @ days but gotta get back to work tom. But can celebraTe with my Uncles & aunties who are sick & cant go home celebrate. Aren't they poor things. Have to spend this festive season with us the Missys who always get on their nerves. Hee..toking back abt myself. Haha.. haha ... Ytd went to my ah ma house & collect hong baos as usual@@@ Hee..
Hai...Next mon is v day, How long have i not celebrate?? Hmm 3 years liao le.. This year got a chance to celebrate with my patIents hee.. maybe give them chocolates ah. Hee:P Mi nth to do so crap over here lo. So dun scold me ah@@@ Feel Like clubBing this sat... Wan go my dear ling. U not yet confirm?? Call me k.. but after work. Hee

Okok enough liao le. Gotta burn disc for pauline liao le. See ya
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

HaPpy New Year To all My frens Out there!! WorKed only 1/2 day today. Hee then off for 2 days but have to work on fri & sat lo. Hai...That My life. Just now went orChard with my Dear Miss Tan Lay cheN. Exactly she want to buy the bag From PsBB but after tat she went to far East to get the bag. Coz the one she want will spoil easily if carry too much heavy things. So she bought the sling bag instead. For me i bought a pair slippers , Famous amos cooKies Then a loreal EyeLiner. Exactly wanted to buy a brouch for My topshop Top But cant find any that is suitable so forsake it lo. Anyway Just wear with my necklace can liao. See whether can upload any pics from Tom new Year. Went to Orchard For 2 days. Today went &ytD also. Ytd meet Xin Hua & her sisTer at HollyWood Secrets At ScoTts shoPpIng CentRe. Then went with her to find Her mama'S tops. So guai they 2 buy clothes for Their Mama I tink i neber did that b4. Except Buying tops for paPa. Then after met Miss Tan again to go see her Bag & buy clothes Frm IORA. Then i Bought the Top frOm TopShop lo. Went to collect My spectacles after That. Cant wear contacts coz the person say i allergy to that. So too bAd.

SerenE sorry Cant met u today hee.. So sorry my Dear, MaybE can meet u this sat Or wat bah. Coz next sat i dun tink i can get off again Le.

Are Dreams alwAys opp of reaLity?? Been Dreaming of the same things over & over again. Hai, dun know wat is telling too. Nvm enjoy my new year first then go ward celebrate with my pAtients again@@@@
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Take the quiz: "What's" your kissing style??"

You're a Kute Kisser
0 and 15: You're a Kute Kisser! A Kute Kisser enjoys being sweet and charming. You're the kind of person who naturally is more loving and gentle. You like to be romantic by kissing slowly while stroking your partner's face or by holding their hand. You feel that a kiss is an intimate act of sharing, not just physical fun. You are sensitive to your partner's needs and view your time with them as precious. You like to take your time, and your favorite way to kiss is tenderly. While kissing you listen to your heart and think about how much your partner means to you. Overall you are the most caring and sensitive of all the kissing styles, and you take very good care of your partner by always putting their feelings first.

i Tink i been neglect updating my blog since dun know when liao le. Hee finally got my pay liao. Somemore can cOllect honG Baos next wk. So hee.. Here come my bags, shoes & clothes liao le. Now thinking wan to dye hair or highlight my hair?? Juz nw went to guardian to bought the dye thingy. Light Reddish brown. Hmm not bad the color. This week work is kinda stress liao le. Becoming more & more sick liao le. I got sore throat & flu liao le for not drinking more water during work. Really sian. Gg back to my ward the week after. Hope will not be so stressful bah. PLZzzzzzzzz..... Just nw was taking the lift dwn my void deck. oNE ah ma came in & ask whether i can acc her in the lift to 11th storey. Coz she kinda of scared to stay in the lift alOne. OK lah ... acc her in the lift then take the lift down again. Maybe the ah ma see too much the eye liao. Scare got uncle in the corner of the lift ah... The uncles & aunties in the ward were asking DRs to discharge so they can go home before CNY. then celebrate with their families. Then came back to the hospital. Kinda feel Sad for them. Coz they were sick , miss their families, missed the moments they shared with their loved ones. Some patients cant go home coz hai.. Dr said cant go home lo. DRs made the decision, we the nurses juz had to follow. But got One dr that i really pissed off. Her Face was so F***ed up.. as if we did something wrong ah. Uncle wan to pass urine so we juz bring the urinal to him then he pee la. So no nEed to give ur f*** face to let me see... Next time U in hospital i juz let u bear ur urine for a few hours la... See whether u pee in the bed or give ur idiot face to the nurses.

Ling so how next sat??? Wanna go anot?? Otherwise i cant see u for a long long time liao le.